Nayoro Sight-seeing & Town Planning Association
Please do not hesitate to contact us through email by filling in the form below. (MUST fill in all items)
In view of the importance of the protection of personal information, N GATEWAY (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) shall comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and this Personal Information Protection Policy. The Company shall endeavor to protect the personal information of our customers.
1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
When an enquiry is made through our email enquiry form on our website personal information such as name, address, phone number, and email address shall be required while all these personal information shall not be used for any purposes other than handling the enquiry. The Company shall only use personal information of customers for the purposes of responding to the enquiry.
2. Management of personal information
When handling customers’ personal information, the Company shall properly manage a security system, thoroughly educate its employees, take measures to implement safety management measures, and appoint an appropriate managing administrator in order to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, and leakage of any personal information management devices.
3. Disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
The Company shall not disclose personal information to any third parties without the consent of the information holder.
Yet, this does not apply under the following circumstances,
(*) When requested by a public institution such as a court or police based on laws and regulations
(*) When it is stipulated by a special law
(*) When there is potential damage to the life, body, or property of our customer or any third parties, and consent cannot be obtained
(*) When it is necessary to protect our rights, property or services from actions violating laws/ regulations/ our terms of service, and we are not able to obtain the consent of the information holder.
4. Disclosure of personal information
Our Company shall disclose personal information upon individual requests only when we can confirm it is made by the information holder. Also, we shall process any requests to change personal information only when we can confirm it is made by the information holder. At that time, the Company shall verify the identity of the individual. We shall not respond to any disclosure or change requests if we are not able to confirm the identity of the requester.
5. Enquiry
Please do not hesitate to contact us at the following for our personal information protection policy.
(*) Company name) Nayoro Sight-seeing & Town Planning Association
(*) Zip code) 096-0001
(*) Address)1/F, Station complex exchange plaza Yorona, 7-1-10, Higashi-1-jo Minami, Nayoro-Shi, Hokkaido, Japan
(*) Phone no.) 01654-9-6711
(*) Person in charge) Yuko YAMADA
6. Use of cookies
The Company might use cookies to provide users with better service, but this does not allow any collection of personally identifiable information and infringement on privacy. (*) A cookie is information sent from the server computer to users’ browser and stored on the hard disk of users’ computer. Users are able to change their browser setting if they do not want to accept cookies.
7. Disclaimers
Regarding the browsing of the website of our Company and the collection of information, whether the information accommodate the needs of users, whether the Company has legal authorities for the storing and copying users’ information, and whether there are laws and regulations compliance regarding copyright, confidentiality, defamation, and preservation of dignity, users shall proceed with their own risk under all circumstance. The Company shall not be liable for any troubles, losses, and damages, regarding the use of our website; the Company shall not be liable for the provision of any service or information when users move to another website through any links or banners on the website.
8. Copyright
All photos, videos, and texts posted on the website of the Company are owned by the NPO Nayoro Sight-Seeing and Town Planning Association. Use for any purpose other than personal purposes is prohibited without our permission.
9. Revision of personal information protection policy
The Company might revise all or a part of the “Personal Information Protection Policy”. If there are important changes, the Company shall notify users on the page of this site.
As of Feb 25th 2021